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Just A Thought: In The Line Of Fire

A love letter to those in danger and a desperate plea for government action.

By Jamila Rizvi

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A love letter to those in danger and a desperate plea for government action.

By Jamila Rizvi

I’ve spent the morning in Struggle Town. I move from one topic to another, trying to write this Just a Thought column – but the ideas just aren’t flowing. I am stuck. And I suspect that today there are many Australians in this same position. Unable to concentrate on immediate duties because our minds keep wandering to those at risk; to those in the line of fire.

Our country is burning. Those under direct threat prepare for the worst, hosing down gutters, removing leaf debris and packing bags. They look to the skies for answers. Radios are permanently turned on and phones kept close by, waiting for the urgent SMS direction to leave.  Those of us who are physically safe, go about our daily business but we’re mentally elsewhere. Our hearts sit heavily beside friends and family around the country. We all know this fear.

Just A Thought explores the cultural and political musings of Jamila Rizvi.