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Why Berlin Just Became The Best City To Be A Parent

The German city is not only Europe’s capital of cool, it also boasts something Australian parents can only dream of: free childcare.

By Petra Zlatevska

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The German city is not only Europe’s capital of cool, it also boasts something Australian parents can only dream of: free childcare.

By Petra Zlatevska

It’s 8:27am, and the flotilla of bikes arrive at the preschool gate. A gaggle of boys and girls aged between 18 months and six years old in their rain gear jump off the child seats and are offloaded into the arms of their Erzieher (teachers). It’s not just the children who scream with glee; the Berlin parents also do a happy dance on their way to work thanks to free childcare.

Up until August of 2018, preschool costs in the German capital for five days a week of full time care were a grand total of €23 ($35 AUD) per month. Yes, you read that right. Then in August, the Senat (state government) mandated that all children aged one and older would receive free preschool education, so the €23 monthly food fee was abolished.